Thursday, November 17, 2005

Eating Camel

So we went out to dinner last night. At a steakhouse, yum! Let me tell you- the food was great, but these people have the TGIFridays singers beat. The restaurant wasn't busy at all. I think maybe 6 tables had people at them? So the waitress brings out this "bobble board" and asks people if they want to play it. Where you wobble it back and forth and it makes that somewhat weird noise- kind of like playing the saw. So two people got bobble boards at their tables, and then all the waiters and waitresses came out and this song starts playing on the speakers. They had to clap, sing, and dance along to the song. By dance I mean like when I was in elementary school and sang "Pizza Hut, McDonalds" song and made the little gestures for Pizza Hut. It was so hilarious. I clapped along because I felt bad for the workers. The song said something about "a sheep or two and a kangaroo, and an old rocking chair"

It just made me decide that the Flair in Fridays was nothing compared to this! So I had a steak, since we were at a steakhouse, but Eric was adventurous. He had a Camel Fillet. Be proud of me, I actually tasted it. He also had crocodile for an appetizer, and again I had a taste. I really didn't like the way the camel tasted compared to my steak (it was a lot sweeter) but the croc tasted a little like pork. And a lot like the sauce it was drowned in. But the dinner was very nice, and the food was delicious. Makes me feel sorry for the camels though. Apparently they were abandoned when people started using road trains to transport things through Australia, so now there are thousands of camels running wild through Oz and people hunt them down. Seems so sad to me!

Speaking of road trains (if you don't know what a road train is it's like a semi pulling more than one trailer- usually at least 3 or 4) Today we saw the funniest one as we were sitting at an intersection. Waiting for the light, and I see this big rig pulling through the intersection. The cab is bright purple, and on first impression I thought it had a representation of God painted along the door. This beared man in a long white robe with a long white beard and light shining down on him. Then I noticed Gollum sitting beneath the man, and realize that its Gandolf painted 6 feet tall on the side of the cab! As the truck pulls through the intersection I can see the back of the cab which has Lord of the Rings painted in gold (straight from the movie poster) above the faces of Sam, Frodo and I think Liv Tyler. Too crazy! Now granted this was all in about 30 seconds, so I almost thought I was hallucinating until I heard Eric snort. We just looked at each other and laughed and laughed... That guy is a SERIOUS fan. Really- I can' t even imagine how much it cost to have his cab done like that. But it did put a smile in my day, and I am so not knocking LOTR... Its just unusual to see it heading down the road like that. Too bad I didn't have my camera!

Well we are off- I think we are going over to someone's house to play board games. Don't laugh- we take entertainment wherever we can get it! :)


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