Singing in the bathroom
Just got done cleaning. Wow my life is so exciting. I think the neighbors are convinced I am nuts, though. I love to rock out to music while I clean. I don't think they could hear the music but they could probably hear me singing along while in the bathroom. Our bathroom acts like a microphone, and the only reason I know is because I can hear their bathroom pipes any time water is running. Like at 5 a.m when they are getting ready for work and I am sleeping. Oh well. They haven't knocked on the door yet and told me how obnoxious I am, so kudos to them. At least I was singing at a decent time of day- between 4 and 6pm.
I am addicted to eBay. I have been bidding on something (can't mention till after Christmas) and I keep losing my auctions. Just refuse to pay after a certain point. Part of me wonders if the thing is selling for too low if the people selling it are making bids to inflate the auction. I have no trust for these peeps online! Might end up having to pay at a regular store.
So one of my ex-roommates might be coming for a visit in the next month or so. How exciting is that? Very, very exciting. Only for a couple of days but that's not bad!! Hopefully it all works out. I would be so happy to show off my new home!
It is freaking hot here. I know I have mentioned this before, but yesterday another neighbor told me her thermometer was in the shade outside and reached 102 degrees. Isn't that wild? I went to the grocery yesterday and remembered what it was like to get a burn on your hand from the seatbelt. You would think after living in the Southwest for so long I would remember but those years in Ohio just totally made me forget about parts of your car being a torture instrument. LOL.
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