Happy New Year!
We had a very nice New Year's Eve. Went out to Lasseter's Casino, which is just down the road from us. They had a party going, so we got some drinks and listened to loud music and hung out with our friends. Eric got hit on by some Aussie girls until they noticed his ring- it was funny! We stayed out entirely too late, but it was so much fun.
Since then my New Year has been pretty laid back. On the 1st we just slept in, took it easy and watched Return of the King on DVD- the extended version which is around 4 hours long.
Then on the 2nd I woke up feeling really crappy, and have just been sick for the last day and a half. I did get into the doctor this morning and now my antibiotics have kicked in and I am feeling better. I hated calling off of work today- it was supposed to be my 1 month review. But my rule is I don' t go in if I've been puking. No matter what job I am at! So tomorrow I will have my review and hopefully it will go well.
Now its time for me to get some food, and then watch TV and go to bed. I hope the rest of this week turns out better than the first part!!
Oh and here is a picture of our Christmas tree- we are taking it down this weekend. Most people here have small trees, so I am glad we brought ours. I also added a picture of my pots and pans on the post before this.

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