I am tired right now so this will probably be short. I think I am going to take a nap before Eric gets home so that I can stay up tonight and call people.
His birthday is Saturday- don't know yet what we are doing for it. Whatever he wants, he gets! Well... Maybe not EVERYTHING, but you know what I mean.
Uluru- the trip was fun. I will try to attach a pic to this post tomorrow. That will be trial and error but I am off for the next three days so should be able to do it. Yay I did it!!

It was an expensive trip, but fun. The resort there has a monopoly- you either stay there or in your car. But "the rock" (as I call it) was an amazing sight. We cooked out by the cultural center and watched it reflect the sunset our first night there. Monday we went back out, took more pics, then went to the Olgas, which are nearby. They were neat, too. I got a little sunburnt- even with sunscreen on! They weren't kidding when they said the sun is strong here. I didn't even realize the UV index went over 10, and most days at Uluru its between 12-15. I hope to go back when its cooler, and do more hiking.
We saw Harry Potter Saturday night! It was good, but I want to see it again some time when the theatre isn't so packed. And I ate a humoungous steak before we went, so I was focused on my tummy for some time.
Well I've got to go take my nappy. Work is going well, I am feeling really productive but my body isn't used to getting less than 9 hours of sleep every night. But its getting better this week! Uh-oh- Thunder. Gotta run before the computer fries!!
Thats an awesome picture there!
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