Pics of Cairns... finally!
Well I have to be up early but Eric is at work so I thought I would post some pics from the trip. For those of you who read this- sorry its been a little slow! Hopefully this will perk you up.
Happy Monday!
Here is a gorgeous pic Eric took from a lookout on the side of the Captain Cook highway on our way to Port Douglas (where we went riding on my birthday!) I love how the mountains and rainforests come right down to the Coral Sea.

This is one of the cute marsupials we saw on the Rainforest Tour- it is a green ring tailed possum, I think. It was only about 6 feet away from us and Eric managed to get a good shot of it eating. I love the stripe down his forehead!

This bloke is a red tailed black cockatoo who happened to find my ponytail holder quite attractive. Just so you are aware this is a big ass bird and when it lands on your shoulder it can be a somewhat frightening experience. I tried to stay cool though- they can sense fear! Eric took this one at the Wildlife Rainforest Dome in the city. Its a really cool place! We went back (tickets are good for 5 days) the day before we left and got some really good pics. Also its at the top of the casino, so we had to go in that night and win some money! It was a great way to end a great trip.
WOW WOW WOW. Post MORE. love you both,
Beautiful pics! It's such a lovely part of Australia, isn't it. Glad you had a good time!
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