Wow, I didn't realize that its been almost two weeks since I posted anything on here. Whoops.
I finally did our taxes- I am not totally done because I want to double check what TurboTax keeps telling me. I am a little wary of the program but I have never used it before.
Eric was out of town all last week. He got to go to Canberra, which is the capital of Australia. Apparently he saw some sights but mainly did the pub crawl. He has a new favorite beer- Tooheys Old. We went out to dinner last night and I tried it. But like usual, I didn't like it very much. What can I say- I just don't like beer. So anyhow I picked him up out at the airport yesterday and brought him home. I think he was really glad to get out of town!
Not a whole heck of a lot going on. I am going on a picnic in a little while with some friends. Also I hosted card night on Friday night and learned a new Aussie word. I guess we were gasbagging- chattering the way women do. Thought it was a hilarious word! We had a lot of fun.
We went out last night for a drive, to try out our new camera. There was a great lightning show going on and we got some awesome pics so I'll have to put one up.
Here it is- a really great flash, with the taillights making that creepy red glow.

Better go get ready, they are coming to pick me up soon!
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