Almost Christmas
Well here is an early present- I am finally putting another blog up. If it gets cut off its probably because I am at work.
I have been a total slacker and haven't posted in nearly 3 months. How terrible! We went camping at the beginning of October and I meant to put that post up, but you know how it goes. October rolled into November... we had a fabulous Thanksgiving with another American family... and November rolled into December. So here we are, 19 days left until Christmas. Have you finished your shopping? I haven't finished all of mine but I have everything for Eric, which is good.
We do not have a Christmas tree up yet but I'm hoping that gets done Friday. We have a pretty jam packed schedule up until Christmas- several Christmas parties to go to, and other random activities. Also, Eric's birthday is Sunday so we will be celebrating that however he chooses. (may very well include lots of sleeping and playing some games on the computer. It's his birthday, he should get to do what he wants!!)
I am getting ready to work on our Christmas letter. Yes, I hate being impersonal but I just don't have time to write a personal note to every single person on my list. I can't justify putting the cards in the envelopes and mailing them off without some sort of correspondence, so I am comprimising and doing the Christmas letter. It will also update most of the family and friends who don't read this blog! I hope everyone enjoys the picture as much as I enjoy sending it to them.
More to come, and it won't be three months again this time. I have some cool pics from camping, ect. that I will take time to put up. I have the week of Christmas off of work so will be able to catch up on random things like that. Hopefully I can get some of our scrapbook done, too!
Have a happy holiday season.