Circus Circus
I have had a fun filled week, and its only Saturday!!So Wednesday we went to the Children's Museum, which was fun. Only spent about 90 mins there though so might go back sometime next week. The next night was the circus, which was awesome! We had tickets to Ringling Bros. Barnum Bailey circus, and we sat in row 5. It was so cool. My sister Connie hasn't been to the circus since she was 6, and I don't know who had more fun- her or her son! We all had a great time. And they do such a great show! I never remembered the circus having pyrotechnical effects before. Its wild.
Then last night Connie and I went on a "sister date". I dropped my nephew off at daycare around noon, came home and got ready and picked her up from work. Then we went across town and shopped till we dropped. We spent over two hours in Old Navy. The sale was great- we both got some jeans for less than $4, T-shirts for less than $2, it was wonderful. It was nice just to be shopping in a store again, too! Not that I don't go to the grocery store and stuff when I am home, but nothing like the "retail therapy" I can get here! So we went to Old Navy, Target and then out to eat. Ended up at UNO's- the food was good but the service kinda crappy. I was happy to have my Spinach Mushroom Gorgonzola pizza, though. We had an awesome time, and it was nice to connect just the two of us. I am so lucky to have such great sisters, and that we are all such great friends, too.So today we all went out for a bike ride along the river, which was nice. It was overcast but that was a good thing, because by the end of the ride I was getting hot and it would have been worse with the sun out! It was nice to ride and chat and feel less guilty for the pizza I wolfed down last night. After lunch we came home and tonight I've been watching my nephew because I sent Connie out on a REAL date- with her husband! I know after being here for a week that they don't get a whole lot of time without my nephew around, and I get tons of time with my husband and can't even imagine going weeks without a "just the two of us" date. Another good thing for them- I don't charge to babysit!! Its fun time for me. He is so easy, too- was asleep at 9:00. Well time for me to go downstairs and get some knitting and reading done. I am sure it will be at least another 3 or 4 days before I post again. PS I hope the Panthers win tomorrow- then it means they'll be playing in the Superbowl again!
Visiting Family
I am back in the States, whoo hoo! I am super excited to be staying with my sister. Today I watched my nephew all day. He is two and a half, and such a trip. The last time I saw them was July, and he has grown so much! I love being Aunt Katie. I can get my "kid fix" for the next couple of weeks, then go home to the peace and quiet of my own house.Well this has to be short because its really late here and I am watching him again tomorrow. Which means I have to get up at 7!! Luckily Aunt Katie isn't too ashamed to take a nap at nap time. Tomorrow we will be going to the Children's Museum which is awesome. Did I mention that I am so happy to be back in a cold weather country? Not that it is that cold here but it finally feels like January. Hope to write more this weekend. Maybe. I can't wait to go shopping at Target!
Our Anniversary
So we celebrated our anniversary this weekend. It was actually on Thursday but we celebrated on Saturday. While I went to a party that afternoon, Eric had errands to run. We both worked last week so he never had the car during the week, so waited till Saturday. Saturday late afternoon he told me we needed to get in the car and go somewhere, and to wear tennis shoes. So I get in the car, and we start driving out of town a little ways. We're about a mile from our final destination and I have an idea that I know where he's taking me... Sure enough, we pulled up outside the Camel Farm!! We went on a camel ride. It was so much fun. I will put a picture up of the two of us on the camel. Her name was Sally, and no, she didn't spit! She was very pleasant. It was pretty hot, but lots of fun. I learned that there are feral camels roaming Australian deserts... They call a "pack" of camels a Mob. So there are wild Mobs of camels roaming around, wreaking havoc! LOL. I know its pretty dorky, but when I found out they had camels in Australia I got excited and told Eric I really really wanted to ride one. I mean, I can't ride a kangaroo, right? LOL. So it was really sweet of him to take me on the ride. They do a Camel ride with dinner, but they didn't have enough people to do one this week. That's alright! Then we got home, and since we were both kind of hot Eric asked me to get him some ice cream out of the freezer. I open the freezer and there is an open box sitting in front of the ice cream with an opal necklace in it. I couldn't believe it! Then I saw the grin on Eric's face... He is so good to me. So that was our lovely little weekend together. Yesterday we went grocery shopping, and today he worked all day while I cleaned the house and did laundry. Tomorrow I leave for my trip back to the US. I am excited, but wish he could come with me. Ah, well. I always wish that! But I will just have to get him some good presents while I am home. So this will be the last blog for a little while, at least. I am going to see my wonderful sister Connie! I will be traveling for a few days, but once I get to her house and get settled in (aka recover from jet lag) I will be posting a little. Now I just have to add the picture of us on the camel...
Happy New Year!
We had a very nice New Year's Eve. Went out to Lasseter's Casino, which is just down the road from us. They had a party going, so we got some drinks and listened to loud music and hung out with our friends. Eric got hit on by some Aussie girls until they noticed his ring- it was funny! We stayed out entirely too late, but it was so much fun.
Since then my New Year has been pretty laid back. On the 1st we just slept in, took it easy and watched Return of the King on DVD- the extended version which is around 4 hours long.
Then on the 2nd I woke up feeling really crappy, and have just been sick for the last day and a half. I did get into the doctor this morning and now my antibiotics have kicked in and I am feeling better. I hated calling off of work today- it was supposed to be my 1 month review. But my rule is I don' t go in if I've been puking. No matter what job I am at! So tomorrow I will have my review and hopefully it will go well.
Now its time for me to get some food, and then watch TV and go to bed. I hope the rest of this week turns out better than the first part!!
Oh and here is a picture of our Christmas tree- we are taking it down this weekend. Most people here have small trees, so I am glad we brought ours. I also added a picture of my pots and pans on the post before this.