Crazy. That's what I am. When did I ever say I was bored? Now I can't remember what that feels like. Well that's probably a good thing. Got my 24 hours in this week, in 3 days. Not too bad but considering I haven't worked in over 6 months, a lot for me. And every night that I worked I had something to go to! Yay for sleeping in tomorrow.
Wait- I can't sleep in. Eric has to have slacks for Tuesday, and did he pack any when we moved here? No. So we are going shopping early, because all the stores here that are open on Saturday will be closed by 1pm. And I'm dropping off cookies for a Christmas party, and I think we are going out to dinner and MAYBE see Harry Potter. Which I am excited about (because I am that geeky girl) but I am having doubts about our ability to get tickets. Which is why the theatre is my first stop tomorrow morning. *sigh* I won't mention that I walked right past the place today, when I had NO IDEA there was a chance we were going this weekend.
Anyhow- Sunday we are going to Uluru, aka Ayers Rock. So we will leave early for that, spend the night and drive back Monday. I think its like a 5 hour drive. And we are sharing a rental car with 6 other people to save gas money. It will be interesting since I don't really know these people that well. So I'm taking my book, but hopefully it will be a wonderful adventure. I am looking forward to the swimming pool that is supposedly by our apartment. And seeing the rock, of course. I just pray that it will be cool- today was kind of nice.
So that is my "how did I get so suddenly busy? But I'm not complaining" life. Time to go see how well I can make sugar cookies! And pick up my house, since I still have things strewn around from when I had the Tupperware party Monday night!